Wednesday, May 29, 2013

4-Year-Old Cake Decorator

Here's an easy and super special cake idea I used for my husband's birthday cake over the weekend. Everyone knows you can have the bakery scan a photograph to put on a cake, but did you ever think of using artwork drawn by your child? 

I attempted to get the 4-year-old twins to work on this together, which ended in crying and fighting. After I wiped my tears away, it was clear there would be no forcing the boy to do more than scribbling, so I let the girl do it on her own. Boy didn't care. Shocker! So, girl came up with a picture of her dad and the twins playing baseball (in case you couldn't tell)--complete with the backward "R" in "Birthday." It was perfect!

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1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea! I might just use this idea for Father's Day. My teens will give me a hard time to draw the photo but I have plenty of hand-drawn pictures in their memory boxes I could choose from. Gonna suggest this to my friends! Thanks!
